To Ve or not To Ve
Gaurav Prinja offers an emotionally sober critique of veganism from a lifelong vegetarian's perspective. The philosophy, the biology and the economics.
Gaurav Prinja
Should lifelong vegetarians feel obliged to adopt a fully plant-based diet?
Amidst all the discussion about meat and dairy, there's one demographic whose perspective always seems to slip through the net. The livelong vegetarian. For the already vegetarian, many of the typical arguments for veganism do not seem to apply. Vegetarians already respect the life of animals and choose not to eat them. Gaurav Prinja offers an emotionally sober critique of veganism from a lifelong vegetarian's perspective. The philosophy, the biology and the economics.
About the author
After several years jumping between academia and engineering Gaurav finally "settled" into the finance industry nearly 10 year ago. He enjoys philosophy and has given talks on the Hindu perspective on a wide range of topics - though mainly Vedic Mathematics. He's now a dad so spend most of my time putting my DIY skills to good use around the house.